About The CEO


I'm just a girl who decided to go for it ! My name is Tee Monai .I founded  Charmed my sophomore year of high school when I was only 16 years old. I believe that your jewelry is the most important part of your outfit. You can express yourself through customized jewelry that represents you. My idea behind Charmed was for people to have affordable  nice jewelry that is both trending and unique to them.  I decided to start my own business because I believe in working for yourself and doing what you love.   I always wear jewelry and receive many compliments ; so I figured why not make my own and sell it. Charmed has motivated me to start more businesses and help others build on theirs. My business has grown tremendously in such a short amount of time and I've learned so much a long the way. I owe it all to my supporters ; without you guys Charmed wouldn't exist.  I appreciate all of my customers and hope to be recognized worldwide. I love all my Charms !  xoxo - CE0  Tee Monai